I'm settling into life in NYC, it is all coming back to me now and is starting…
Please join me for the opening of this fun event!
Opening Night for the show is Thursday, May 22nd from 5:30 -8:30. Two of my paintings will…
I'm trying to build a better base and more ambiguity by painting over some of my less…
I am getting ready to submit my entries into the Westport Arts Center Spring Solos Show. I…
I'm off to a great start in 2014! I was solicited by the Maritime Garage Gallery to participate in…
As an artist, I want to keep growing and exploring new ideas and techniques. That is one…
I was in Utah in early November and went hiking with some good friends who introduced me…
The photographic inspiration for this painting came from Cindy Sherman's "ten acre parcel of heaven" as seen…
Night falls so early this time of year! I usually find it rather depressing but this year…
This is the Sherwood Island Salt Marsh in late September. There are salt marshes on two sides…
I've been in Park City, Utah for the past two weeks and found it so inspirational. I…
I have been working on a few paintings. My summer schedule is a bit different, so I…
My daughter and I are taking a pottery class together this summer. I had some fun today…
I haven't posted in an age! Summer is flying by and I haven't found much time to…
As some of you know, I am training for an inline skating half marathon on July 14th.…
I am very pleased to announce that my oil painting titled "Overton's" won first place in the…
This Sunday, June 9th, from 2-4pm is the opening reception for the School of Art's 23rd Student…
Thanks to all of my family, friends and the art lovers in general who came to see…
The Art About Town Show is on for tonight! I've already sold one painting and now have…
My patriotic neighbor painted this little surprise on his barn last week. I have always loved this…
Art About Town is postponed until next Thursday, May 30th, 5:30 to 8:30, due to impending thunderstorms and torrential…
My paintings are exhibited at Pottery Barn on Main Street! I hope to see you there tomorrow…
I saw the call for artists for the Secret Norwalk Show and I thought it would be fun to…
Each year I have an intention to try something that I have never done before. It usually…
Save the date! Not only did I get in the show but my painting is the one…
My daughter is studying in Salamanca for her spring semester so I joined her in Spain for…
It was tough to decide what to put into the Art About Town show so I mixed…
Ice and Shadow [caption id="attachment_8213" align="alignnone" width="1920"] Icy View from Saugatuck Bridge[/caption] Inversion [caption id="attachment_1546" align="alignnone" width="1671"]…
[caption id="attachment_190" align="aligncenter" width="500"] View From Partrick Bridge, 24" x 36" Sold[/caption] Call For Entries Another "Call…
Adirondack Mountains In January 2011, my friend Pat decided to become a "46er," someone who has climbed…
Art Show I decided to enter the Solo's Show at the Westport Arts Center! It has been…
Welcome! I hope you all will join me in my attempt to share my art in what…