The four seasons in the western mountains are so different from the seasons on the east coast. It has taken me quite awhile to adjust to their rhythm. Winter/snow, spring/mud, summer/fire, fall/mud. What I finally realized is that one must enjoy the mountains as they present themselves each day. First light hits the peaks of the Wasatch Back in unusual hues of gold or pink light. Mid-day can be a stellar bluebird day with blue skies and bright sun or the mountains can be hidden behind billowing clouds and snow. Sometimes it will be nice at my house and the mountains will not even be visible behind the wall of weather. Midnight Run depicts a cold, winter evening, the moon light shimmers on the ski runs and through the clouds. Stars sparkle above it all in the big western sky.
Most of my work can be seen at the Summit Gallery, 675 Main Street, Park City, Utah. Stop in if you get the chance!