Honor our Heroes
“Skating on Thin Ice.” A phrase we have all heard, it basically means flirting with disaster. Anyone who falls through the ice is in for a very bad time. Health care workers, first responders, and essential workers have all been risking their own lives, sacrificing seeing their own loved ones and working endless hours, all for the good of the rest of us. They are truly selfless heroes and this painting honors them for all of their efforts, while appreciating their sacrifice and loss.
Support the National Ability Center, register now for Red, White and Snow!
Skating on Thin Ice will be offered in the Silent Auction during the The National Ability Center’s 17th Annual Fundraiser, Red, White & Snow, March 4th-6th, 2021. Please click the link to register now and help support this amazing organization. the NAC helps compromised people to achieve their dreams. If you have ever skied at Park City Resort and seen a skier in a bucket on a mono-ski, or one of the blind skiers being guided down the mountain, then you have seen the National Ability Center at work. It doesn’t stop with skiing, they help all kinds of people to be their best self, all year and in every season! Please join with me to help this amazing organization exceed their goals and grow their programs to help this special community.