I am working hard on a commission that a friend asked me to do from a photo she took. It has proved to be quite challenging! This is the second go at it. I added too much white to the first version and it got really chalky looking. Scrapped that one and decided to try some translucent oil colors on my brushed aluminum panel to let the shimmer show through and reflect the light. I took this photo with the piece on my easel, lit from my “true to color”, lighting. You can see the reflection in the yellow drips that meander across the bottom of the painting. I was going to add more color to the sky, more purple and blue, like her photo but when I looked at it this morning in the natural light of the my studio, the sky was much darker. I like this one just as it is and will start a new one with the same translucent intent in more of a purple palette, which will compliment the yellow/gold and really make it pop. The third time is the charm!
I am adding this to my “Lit from Within” section on my website. Check it out and see what else is new!