Life On Mars
It seems progress in our world takes one step forward and three steps back. I am amazed at all the work that has been done with the Space Station and the journey to explore Mars. I am however dismayed by all the space junk that is left floating around in our orbit. We have polluted our planet to the point that we are destroying our environment, global warming appears to be real and we continue on the same destructive path.
I have come to grips with this fact by changing what I can in my daily life to not make matters worse. I always fill my own water bottle and take that with me wherever I go. I try to get my meat from the butcher and have him wrap it in paper instead of buying the pre-packaged styrofoam and plastic wrapped meat. I ask them to wrap my goods in paper at the deli counter. If I don’t buy the plastic to begin with, I don’t have to throw it away. I bring my own bags when I shop and try to frequent the farmer’s market and farm stands so I don’t have to buy the plastic clam shells that hold the fruits and vegetables. I store my leftovers in glass containers. When I read the statistic that only 9% of plastic that you put in the recycling bin actually gets recycled, I was appalled. We are feeling a false sense of security and the bad news is just starting to leak out.
Okay, enough ranting. Hope you enjoy this painting of what I imagine the view to be on the red planet, Mars. Still pure.