Lost in the Blue Night Sky, oil on brushed aluminum panel, 39 x 51, $7250 Sizes: 150 × 150 / 300 × 214 / 750 × 535 / 750 × 535 / 1,536 × 1,097 / 480 × 300 / 720 × 500 / 560 × 400 / 1,920 × 1,371 Gallery Lost in the Blue Night Sky, oil on brushed aluminum panel, 39 x 51, $7250 Drops of Jupiter, oil on brushed aluminum panel, 39″ x 39″ $5800 Moonscape, oil on brushed aluminum panel, 51 x 51, $9200 Image Info Dimensions 1,920 × 1,371 Date February 26, 2024 Camera iPhone 13 Pro Aperture f⁄1 Focal Length 5 mm ISO 50 Shutter Speed 1⁄1,252.0 sec Name Lost-in-the-Blue-Night-Sky-oil-on-brushed-aluminum-panel-3922-x-5122-7250-1.jpeg Mime Type image/jpeg Type JPEG Size 900.86 KB